Will the “Tape is Dead” Folks Please Sit Down?

Post by Christine Taylor (thank you)

A storage newsletter that shall go unnamed (we all make mistakes) discussed the dwindling of tape in 2012. Their opinion was that tape was on its way out. They pointed out that backup was moving to VTLs and that this change would be the death knell of tape.

The article granted archiving as a use case but questioned tape’s reliability over disk, and questioned tape’s slower access numbers over disk. Finally, the article reported that the only tape maker that was sharing numbers was SpectraLogic because news at other tape vendors was not good.

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The Emergence of a New Architecture for Long-term Data Retention

Very good Article by David Floyer (thank you) on Wikibon

The economics of IT is one topic that has been discussed ad nauseam over the last decade. The issue is that a large percentage of the overall IT budget is consumed in order to maintain the status quo with little to no dollars being spent on innovation or new capabilities that drive business growth and shareholder value. New technologies and capabilities are unveiled every year that tout their economic value in order to get IT and CIOs to pick their heads up from their smart phones to make a purchasing decision. A few examples are Server Virtualization, Data deduplication, and now Converged Infrastructure solutions. Each technology came with the promise that by implementing the new capability, it would save IT money. In many instances, these technologies did help a specific segment of the infrastructure but may have hurt others. At the end of the day, very few of these new capabilities actually put IT departments in a position to change their investment strategy to focus on innovation. Rather, they just moved money around.

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